It’s heartbreaking to be sitting here in NJ watching the devastation taking place in Los Angeles, CA. The catastrophe is causing unimaginable chaos for the affected families and individuals.
Scenarios such as this cause us to think about how we would respond, think about what’s truly important and what we may need to secure and safeguard in order to rebuild a life.
In the context of family law, protecting your family is the first and foremost concern. If you are separated from the other parent, stay in contact and provide updates when it’s safe to do so. See if the other parent can provide safe, temporary housing for the children. Work with one another on schooling, child support, and emotional support for the children during and after disaster strikes.
Safeguard your paperwork. We suggest to our clients that they keep hard copies of documents such as Judgements of Divorce, Restraining Orders, birth certificates, and the like in a secure location and also save them electronically. We also maintain digital copies for our clients. These documents may prove necessary to maintain protection from abuse, enroll children on school or obtain medical treatment for them. Keeping these records together in a secure location will make it all the more easier to locate them and take them with you should the need arise.