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Category Archives: Durst Firm News
Modification of alimony obligations based on changed circumstances
Previosuly ordered or agreed to alimony obligations may be modifiable of the payor can demonstrate a substantial change in circumstances. The change must be realized in good faith, through no fault of party seeking a reduction and must be more … Continue reading
Posted in Durst Firm News, Durst on Divorce
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The Alphabet Soup of Divorce
As a lawyer I find one of my most important responsibilities involves educating clients on all phases of the divorce process. As they saying goes, “knowledge is power” and I want my clients to be empowered during their divorce. Part … Continue reading
Keep the non-custodial parent in the loop if you want them to pay for college.
In a recently decided but unreported decision, the Appellate Court emphasized that the quality of the relationship of a parent and child is an important factor when deciding if a parent should have an obligation to contribute towards college expenses. As … Continue reading
Posted in Durst Firm News, Durst on Divorce
Tagged college, custody, divorce, durst
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Divorce & Back to School Isssues
If you are going through a divorce or have recently been divorced you may find that the upcoming back to school season presents a host of new issues that must be delicately addressed in order to minimize the impact on … Continue reading
Posted in Durst Firm News, Durst on Divorce
Tagged custody, divorce, durst, parneting time
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