Category Archives: Durst on Divorce

Pennsylvania takes steps to further protect children from abuse

A recommendation from a PA task seeks to place attorneys into the class of professionals who are designated as a mandatory reporter of alleged child abuse.  Such a rule clearly places the welfare of the child as the highest priority; … Continue reading

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An open letter to Hope Solo & all victims of domestic violence

Dear Hope Solo; The recent headlines surrounding the claims that you are the victim of domestic violence are troubling.  As the facts continue to evolve I sincerely hope that this is all some tragic misunderstanding and that you are not … Continue reading

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Register your child’s passport to prevent unauthorized internation travel

Today’s mobile society presents many potential problems for divorced parents. Once such problem can be the unauthorized removal of the child from the United States. Depending on where the child is taken, having them returned can be time consuming and … Continue reading

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Martital Fault can be a factor in alimony determinations

In an effort to reduce much of the emotional toll of a divorce, NJ law is generally disinclined to use marital fault as a factor when making alimony determinations.  Deciding which party is at fault for the breakdown can be … Continue reading

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Domestic violence & temporary custody

In a recently decided appellate division case, the panel reaffirmed the current law in NJ which holds that there is a presumption in favor of the victim of domestic violence having temporary custody of the children. Also, it appears, for … Continue reading

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