Category Archives: Durst on Divorce

Divorce and Dating

For most people, going through a divorce is a period of chaos and uncertainty. It is also a time of transition. For many people, part of their transition from married their married life includes the resumption of dating. Whether or … Continue reading

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Proposed alimony reform will hurt NJ families

After practicing divorce law for more than a decade in NJ, I fully understand the unique circumstances, expectations, and factors that make up an alimony determination.  It is true that the amount of alimony can vary as can the duration … Continue reading

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NJ Legislature and Senator Scutari continue to attack divorcing NJ Women

     In a proposed bill ( that is being sponsored in the NJ Senate by Senator Scutari and which has recently been endorsed by the Assembly Judiciary committee, the viability of previously entered into premarital or prenuptial agreements is at … Continue reading

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Prior history of Domestic Violence not proper basis to issue a restraining order

When a victim of domestic violence is seeking a restraining order, NJ courts are required to examine the acts or acts which prompted the request for a temporary restraining order as well as the past history of domestic violence, if … Continue reading

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NJ Court expands protection under domestic violence law

The NJ domestic violence law has once again been interpreted to provide protection to residents in an ever growing list of living arrangements.  While I certainly commend goal of protecting citizens from domestic violence, I must wonder whether this recent … Continue reading

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