Having just flipped the calendar to a new year, many people make New Year’s Resolutions. Often, these resolutions concern habits or behaviors someone may want to change in order to improve their daily life. For many people, one such change is filing for divorce.
There are multiple articles and reports that suggest January is “divorce month”. This is not surprising. But before committing to this course of action, consider the consequences, research your options, and be sure to seek competent legal advice.
At The Durst Firm, we do not believe it is our role to “decide” whether a client should seek a divorce or not. It is a deeply personal decision and frankly, our answer could easily appear to be self serving. That being said, Sandy Durst, the founder of The Durst Firm, LLC, has counseled hundreds of individuals throught New Jersey as to their rights in the event a divorce will be initiated. It is our belief that only after receiving a full assesment (which can often include realities a client may not want to hear, but needs to hear) can one make an informed decision. Given the impact of divorce on you and your children, investing in a consultation is a sound decision.
If you are considering a divorce in 2018, The Durst Firm is here to help. For almost 20 years we have been focused on family law.