Category Archives: Durst on Divorce

Why I choose to be a divorce attorney.

Being a divorce attorney can be a frustrating line of work.  It is fraught with practical, emotional, and financial challenges.  Sometimes the “system” just doesn’t work the way it should.  There are times when it is not possible to achieve … Continue reading

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I was served with a Complaint for Divorce: now what?

The range of emotions someone experiences when served with a Complaint for Divorce are varied. Some are shocked. many are angered.  Confusion is common and I’ve even had some clients confess they were relieved.  Regardless of your emotional response, a … Continue reading

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A time for new traditions

If you are divorced or goinf through a divorce the upcoming holidays can be an unsettling and frustrating time.  In working with families dealing with divorce for over fifteen years, I’d like to offer some observations to helpd make this … Continue reading

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I’m getting divorce and my spouse wants to use ADR. What is that?

There are three main methods by which a NJ case case can be resolved.  As will be discussed below, each method has its own pro’s and con’s andyou should be careful in selecting the approach that you will believe will … Continue reading

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What is a NJ Child Support Hearing Officer?

The first time may potential client’s contat The Durst Firm is when they have unexpectedly received a notice from Family Court requring them to report on a specific date to appear before a Child Support Hearing Officer. So what is … Continue reading

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