Category Archives: Durst on Divorce

Parents have obligation to protect child from abuse – even when the other parent is the abuser

In a recently decided case that was approved for publication, the court stressed the responsibility of a fit parent to protect a child from an unfit parent.  While this may seem like common sense, it is a responsibility that can … Continue reading

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Disability determination does not eliminate child support obligation

As highlighted in the New Jersey Law Journal, an important case regarding the impact of a finding of Social Security Disability on one’s obligation to pay child support was recently decided.  Child support obligations are subject to review upon a substantial … Continue reading

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WHAT IS A MOTION FOR TEMPORARY RELIEF?  In New Jersey, the family court system is instructed to do all it can to resolve divorce cases within one year of the filing of a Complaint for Divorce.  Depending on a particular … Continue reading

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Do I get to keep the engagement ring?

The question of who gets to keep the engagement ring when the relationship ends is one that I often get from clients.  Depending on the facts, my answer is sure to disappoint one party.  In New Jersey, an engagement ring … Continue reading

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Will a bankruptcy filing impact my divorce?

Will a bankruptcy filing impact my divorce? By: Sandy Durst, Esq.        Lynch, Osborne, Gilmore & Durst A difficult economy often leads to divorce.  Difficult financial times also result in an increase in bankruptcy filings.  It is important that both … Continue reading

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