Category Archives: Durst on Divorce

NJ Senate wants to make it easier to get a NJ marriage license

The NJ senate is considering a bill that would eliminate the 72 hour waiting period that presently exists when applying for a NJ marriage license.  While I have no quarrel with eliminating the waiting period, it would be nice if the … Continue reading

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Unreported Income and Divorce

The issue of unreported income is one that client’s and attorneys are often forced to deal with during a divorce.  Many types of businesses are supported by cash transactions. It is important to recognize these situations so that they can be dealt with properly so … Continue reading

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NJ Appellate Court clarifies law on relocating out of state with a child

As today’s society becomes increasingly mobile, divorce parents often find that the need to move from New Jersey after their divorce has been finalized. The need to move can arise due to a new job offer, remarriage, or the need to … Continue reading

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Divorce and back to school issues

As a new school year begins, new issues may arise if you are recently divorced.  Juggling two households with children, homework, and after school activities can be a challenge.  For the welfare of your children, it is imperative that you … Continue reading

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Facebook doesn’t cause divorce

if you watch the news or read almost any magazine today you will have confronted a headline that reads something like this: DOES FACEBOOK CAUSE DIVORCE?.  The answer to that question, in my opinion, is a definitive NO.  Divorce is … Continue reading

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